Sunday, December 21, 2008


What better way to spend a snowy Sunday morning than decorating cookies with friends! Doreen and Chris trucked through the snow-storm to spend the day with us making cookies. And BOY did we make cookies!!! LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of cookies! We started out by Doreen and I rolling and cutting out the cookies; but that wasn't much fun for the kids!
Doreen being domestic; sure glad we have a picture of this one! Those cookies are not from Plumbs!!!!

Dan thinks he's a pro cookie maker; he does ok!

I have no idea what Chris is thinking; but he looks like the cat that ate the canary!

Chris, Megan, and Doreen

Boobug and Dan; she's a daddy's girl!

The kids have taken over; get ready for a huge mess!

Laura, Doreen, and Megan

Chemistry 101; how to mix the proper colors!

Andrew and should see those cookies! OMG

There's more flour on Andrew and Chris, than in the cookies. Even Molly helped out; or the kids made her help. I'm not sure what happened here!

I think they had more fun playing with the cookie dough!

Artists at work....I sure hope this is not their goal in life. None of our kids could be decorators; that's for sure!

How many more cookies do we have.....

Drum roll please........the finished products!

I think this was an elephant; Laura's favorite animal!

Andrew made this cookie special for Dan; it doesn't have very much frosting! Andrew didn't want Dan to have a diabetic reaction. Little does Andrew know, while making and eating cookies; Dan's sugar went up to 408. Bad Dan....very bad; normal sugar is 70-120.

This is my special cookie from Andrew, he made me a name bell! AWWWW

We had a great time making cookies, we always have so much fun with the Vissers! Weekends wouldn't be the same without them!

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